Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Today in AP Literature mr.rease did that we were gone be given at quiz but it turns out the quiz was a take home quiz. I have never heard of that before but..... Later we stated to really dig into the fact we have just barely over a month left in our senior so we have to end with a bang. THE AP TEDT ARE COMING UP. I feel mr. Rease is about to have a field day with this learning

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I actually feel like I’m going to like this book. I’m reading it while listening to the audiobook and I actually really like it . I think Amir and Hassan are going to have a relation ship though ,as them being so close and all.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Today in AP literature the class presented out poetry out loud projects. The students where given a poem from Maya Angelou which they had to bring to life and also make a poster and explication.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Today in AP Literature mr.rease started off the class by asking us about the kinds of music we tend to like and what music means to us. He asked us do we tend to relate our emotions to our emotions. She asked us do we listen to the same music as our parents which I was one of the first to raid my hand because my mother and father raised me up to all music so I tend to listen to everything from rap to Latino.🙂

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Today in AP Literature we read two poems by the famous poet Maya Angelou. We continued talking about the blackness culture . We resd two poems which made us think about how we actually feel about our family.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Being black to me means to be different. To show how I stand out in the crowd. To be a trendsetter, to be a leader. Being black to me is standing up for what I believe in.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Today in AP Literature the mr.rease came back from his vacation and we didn’t skip a beat. The class started by us writing down some important songs that brought back important memories to us.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class was given an assignment that none of us really understood . So we all came to the conclusion we would wait until mr.rease came back from his vacation to ask about the work.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class was left with an assignment due to the fact that our teacher is out of town. I hope he is having a great time.😎

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class did some a little different. We broke off into groups and where given a certain question asked about the Pardoners tales. I felt that exercise helped me understand it better for some reason.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class read another story from the Canterbury tales. Unfortunately I wasn’t feeling good to catch the titles but the story was good. I liked how the tale taught us about how the LOVE of money is the root to all evil.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class finished “the knight” one of the stories in the Canterbury tales. I liked how the knight ended up seeing the true meaning to love with the old witch. After seeing her loyalty and faithfulness the knight kissed her turning the witch into a young beautiful women in his eyes.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class did something I’ve never seen ya to do before. We were giving students from the 11th grade AP class to comment on there daily blogs as they will do ours. I was given a young lady name Angela . I like the fact we are given a chance to comment how we feel about other people’s day.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class took notes on a new topic that we will continue to read about tomorrow. We were also given worksheets that we will also continue tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Today in AP Literature the class started off our 3rd quarter right! We watched a video that gave us a deeper insight on how to mentally get through our senior year the right way.